Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Did you know I was sick? I was...sick, sick, sick! Since Thursday really but it got worse instead of better. I had so much snot that it was caked on my face and hands because I won't let Mommy clean it. Then I got a terrible rash, it was miserable. Daddy took me to the doctor on Monday and I have a sinus infection, this is my second one this year! After a few days on antibiotics I am finally starting to feel a little better. Still not good enough to go to school tommorow though, I am missing the whole week! The school nurse even called Mommy today to make sure I was okay. Apparently if you miss three days you are supposed to call! Whoops, its okay Mommy, we are still new at this school thing.

I finally got a rail put on my new bed so I don't roll out in the middle of the night anymore. It isn't a long fall, but it does wake me up and makes me mad. Of course, I have still gotten stuck in the tiny space between the bed and the futon a couple of times but that is while I am awake. I am such a little stinker!

Mommy, Cooper, Grandma Berta and Grandma Donna are all sick too. I guess that was my fault, sorry! Mommy and Cooper are now on antibiotics just like me so things are looking up. Hopefully we will all be better in time to enjoy our weekend!

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