Sunday, December 31, 2006

More Presents!!!
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Uncle Scott and Cousin Zoe.
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Opening another present.
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We had pizza for lunch, Quinn dug right in!
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As close as we could get to a picture of the three babies together. Cooper is behind Quinn!
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Quinn had a great time playing cards with Grandma Jan, Uncle Scott, and Daddy.
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Quinn is such a Banta when it comes to cards. The whole family loves them!
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He sure didn't get his love of cards from his mommy!
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Quinn's cousin Zoe, isn't she cute?!! Go Ravens!!!
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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Quinn and Cooper found some fun ballons to play with in Philadelphia.
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Quinn and Grandpop Bill crawling around Great Grandma Joan's house.
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Whoa! Matching pajamas!
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That is what brothers are for, always there to lean on when you need them!
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Friday, December 29, 2006

I had such an exciting day today!! This morning Grandma Jan and Grandpa Don came over and picked me up. We went to the Y and went swimming!!! I wasn't too sure about it, but I didn't cry or anything. I liked watching the other kids swim and play, but I didn't like that they kept splashing me. After we went swimming we went out to lunch. Grandma got me a burger, but I really prefer chicken nuggets. Mommy said I need to learn how to say nuggets! Then I went back to Grandma's house and took a ride on the back of Grandpa's bike, it was really cool! Then it was time for a nap....I sure needed it! After my nap I went home to see Mommy and Daddy and Cooper. I was still too tired though so I watched The Wiggles , took a nap, and went to sleep!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I had PT with Pat Winders today. Usually I am not in a good mood when we go there cause I know she is going to make me walk. Today I was in a really great mood and actually enjoyed our session. Pat thinks that it is because I have been having such positive experiences with movement lately, since I got my gait trainer and started horseback riding. Whatever the reason, she was just glad to see me so happy! We used her gait trainer today cause it is so much nicer than mine...I mean why would you drive a Geo Storm when you have a Porshe in the garage? We walked all around the school but there were no kids there cause of the holiday. I smiled and said hi to all the maitenence men though. When we left Pat lent Mommy a new walker for me to try. This one doesn't have the sling seat and it is just a normal walker, but we are hoping Grandpop Bill can help us rig it up! When Pat saw what he did to my gait trainer she was really impressed. She said she can't wait to see what he does for the walker! This walker is a lot lighter and has a smoother ride, it also folds so Mommy would really like it if I would use it instead of my big haunkin' gait trainer!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I had such a great Christmas! I got to see all my family and got tons of cool presents!

On Christmas Eve we went to Grandma Donna's and it was really fun. I ate ham, played with Grandpop Bill, and opened presents. I got a really neat easel, some little people sets, and a really cool lamp to go in my room that looks like an aquarium. There was other stuff too, but I don't have all night!

On Christmas Day we went over to Grandma Jan's house. I had a great time over there playing and looking at the tree with Grandpa Don. Too bad it was raining so we couldn't go for a walk! I hit the motherlode over there! I got a tunnel and tent set that I love. I got this bouncy zebra thing that scares the crap out of me...Cooper can have that. I got lots of great books, including two that sing songs! Mommy gave me and Elmo doll and a little piano. I got so many great gifts I can't believe it!

Of course even though I am little I still know that the best gift of all is having a family who loves me. I am the luckiest little boy in the whole wide world!!!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Santa was very kind to Quinn this year, he must have been a very good boy!
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Quinn is finally starting to figure out how to unwrap presents on his own.
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Doggies need presents too!
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Maybe she wouldn't have worked so hard to get her present if she knew this is what it was!
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Portia couldn't see because of all the hair in her eyes, Grandma Jan helped out with a barrette.
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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Quinn decided to climb up into this chair and sit like a big boy!
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He was very happy with himself!
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Quinn took his bib off and decided it was a great new tool for playing peek-a-boo!
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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Last night I couldn't sleep. I woke up around midnight with a full diaper and started talking really loud. Mommy heard me and came in and changed my diaper. Then since I am so cute she let me play for a while. We did have to be kinda quiet though, cause Daddy and Cooper were sleeping. While I read books and played with some of my quiet toys Mommy put away some of my clean laundry. I helped a little too. Then the only thing left in the basket were socks! Mommy let me play with the socks, I took them all out and threw them on the floor. Then Mommy said I should put them back, so I put almost all of them back in the laundry basket but then I grabbed them all out at once and laughed really hard! I thought it was so funny that I had pulled all those socks out again! So I did that a couple more times and then finally Mommy said no more and that she had to go to sleep! I went and read in my crib.

Today Grandma Donna and Grandpop Bill came over for a while. They came to help Mommy and Daddy with the house and were here during my naptime so I only saw them a little. I got some hugs and kisses in though!

Tonight we went to Grandma Jan's house. We went out to dinner at the Double T and played a bunch. Their tree is up and Grandpa Don kept showing me all the ornaments. I did not like that reindeer that sings "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", that thing really freaked me out! The Sound of Music was on TV tonight and I really liked watching it! That is Mommy's favorite movie too!

Well, the sun has gone to bed and so must I! So long, farewell, some word I can't spell, Goodnight!!!!! :)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I had a fun day today! This morning we hung out and played. I watched a Wiggles episode and me and Cooper played peek-a-boo for a while. Nothing too exciting.

This afternoon Grandma Jan came over! She watched Cooper and me and Mommy went for a walk around the block. I did a pretty good job. I decided I don't like it when the walker stops so Mommy kept it moving for me when I got tired. I also discovered that I really like going downhill in my walker!! It moves much easier that way and I can go really fast. Mommy could barely keep up with me. The only problem with going downhill is that I ran right past our house and had to go around the block again! Oh well, it was a pretty good work out and I had fun. When we got back I got to cuddle with Grandma Jan a little before she had to leave. Tonight me and Daddy played and watched the Simpsons together, it was great!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

This morning my speech teacher came over. I was in a really good mood so I cooperated pretty well. I tried to make a "moo" sound and a "baa" sound when she asked me to. I pointed to my mouth when she told me to. And when she sang "Wheels on the Bus" I did the right hand motion, making my hands go round and round. I only have one more session left with Ms. Heather, I am really going to miss her!

After I didn't take a nap (Mommy wanted me to, but I wouldn't), we got in the car and drove to the country for my horseback riding therapy. Of course, I fell asleep as soon as we got in the car! I was a little cranky when we got there and I cried again when they put me on the horse, but as soon as he started moving I was happy again. Ms. Robin still rode behind me, but this time I didn't lean back on her at all and sat up really straight. I also only held on with one hand. She said that it showed that my balance is already improving! We rode for 45 minutes, but we just went back and forth through the stables. They are tearing down the outdoor ring so they can build a new indoor ring! That will be nice when it is done. I didn't mind riding through the stables though, I got to listen to country music and see all the other horses.

When my ride was over Ms. Robin put a funny Santa hat on Snickers, it fit right over his ears! Mommy should have brought the camera! Then she gave me a little horsey to take home and put on our tree...hey Daddy, where is our tree?? I don't know why she put the Santa hat on Snickers though, he told me he is Jewish, and I noticed he had a Hannuka stocking by his stall! Maybe he is only half Jewish like I am!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

When Mommy came in this morning to see if I was awake I sat up in my crib. But then I closed my eyes again and fell back asleep...still sitting up! Mommy had to help me lay back down and then she let me sleep longer, I guess she figured that I needed it!

Lindalee came over today and we gave her a Christmas/Birthday present. It was cookies and stuff and she really liked it! Then she did a little evaluation on me and then we got to go for a walk. We didn't have enough time to go twice, but we did manage to go around the block once. I could have kept going but Lindalee had to get home and take care of her babies. When we went outside to walk we ran into my friend Bobby's mom! She had her two big dogs with her and I got to pet them! I love Portia and all, but big dogs are cool!

I got to eat noodles and french fries for dinner tonight, yummy! Mommy tried to give me a new straw cup but all I did was chew on the straw. She doesn't get it cause when it is another kids cup I have no problem drinking out of it.

Tommorow I have speech and then horseback riding! Fun!!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

My OT was supposed to come over this morning but she had to cancel cause her little girl was sick. Oh well, that just meant I got to sleep in! When I got up I played a bunch. I played with the new toy Aunt Becky got me but I couldn't figure out what to do with the magnets. Then I noticed that Mommy had taken off her slippers and they looked like a great place to put the magnets! She probably wouldn't even have noticed I put them there, but she heard me coming since the magnets scrapped on the floor when I was crawling over there. Can't trick Mommy, she is sharp! After a some more playing and an episode of Sesame Street, we went to the doctors. I was lucky cause it was an appointment for Cooper not me! I didn't get any shots but Cooper got tons! Poor guy... While Cooper was being tortured I sat nicely in my stroller and read a book. I kept looking at the picture of a horse so Mommy showed me the sign for horse. I did it back to her! It didn't look anything like what she did, but it was definately horse! I can't wait to go riding again on Wednesday!!!

Friday, December 15, 2006

We had playgroup at the playground today! It was a playground I had never been to before and it was awesome! Instead of that gross mulch that most playgrounds have the whole ground was covered with bouncy rubber stuff. That was great cause it was much easier to crawl on. There was also a huge playset with lots of slides and tunnels everywhere. There were lots of ramps and steps so Mommy could go everywhere I could. It was great and I had so much fun. Lots of my friends were there and I had a great time playing with them. Jack and Sam gave me a really cool CD of Chistmas music, wasn't that so nice of them? I love Jack the most of all of my friends cause he is the only one who always pays attention to me, he is the best!

Tonight we went to Grandma Jan's and she and Grandpa Don took us to see the trains at the mall. It was really cool! I had a great time watching all those trains go around.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Lindalee came over today and we took a walk outside! I got in my gait trainer and we went around the block and through the alley twice! She estimated it was about 600 feet, all I know is it was far! And the sidewalks around here suck, they are so uneven. A couple of times I would get stuck and I would yell cause it made me angry. Lindalee said Grandpop Bill should have made two extension poles for my gait trainer, cause when she held the one I veered off instead of going straight! We fixed that by attaching Portia's leash to the other side, that way all I had to do was walk, not steer. It was a really nice day, but by the time we went outside it had gotten a little chilly and foggy. I still had a really good time and I wasn't cold cause I was working so hard walking!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

This morning we went to the Mom's Club meeting and it was really fun! When we got there Mommy dropped me off in the nursery and I got to hang out with all the other kids. I crawled right over to my favorite place in the nursery, the little playhouse. I stood in the window and watched all the kids playing, it was great! Something happened after Mommy left and I got upset and started crying. They went and got Mommy but by the time she came to see me I was all better! She asked if I was okay and I just looked at her, smiled, and clapped my hands. No one saw it but I started crying cause this mean little girl hit me (at least that is Mommy's theory)! After the meeting wound down Mommy came back to the nursery and took me out of the playhouse so I could play with the other kids more. It was really fun!

After we went home and I had a nap my speech teacher came over. She did more testing, I am so sick of being tested! I did a good job though. I pointed to the right picture out of a choice of four a couple of times. That was really good cause I have never done that before! Another really good speech thing I have started doing is signing more the right way. I used to just put my hands together like I was clapping, but now I put my fingertips together just like the song says "Put your fingertips together for more, more, more!"

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

We went to speech at Loyola today, but we only went for a conference. No playing or anything! I was a really good boy during the meeting, I even stayed in my stroller. I was pretty dissapointed that Jen didn't play with me, well she did a little...she just couldn't resist me! After that we came home and I ate a snack and watched some TV. Then I took a long nap cause I was still tired from all the excitement yesterday!

When I got up me and Daddy hung out a bit, it was a good day.

Monday, December 11, 2006

I had a really busy day today! This morning my OT came over and she tested me on a bunch of stuff. I did a pretty good job. Then after she left my teacher came over and tested me on even more stuff! It was kinda funny cause I did some stuff for my teacher that I wouldn't do for my OT. Oh well, my teacher said those tests don't really count for anything anyway.

After that I took a really short nap. It was too short and I was in a really bad mood when Mommy woke me up! I managed to eat half my lunch, but I was so cranky that I cried even after she put me in the car. We were in the car for a really long time and I cried for a good part of the trip. We were going out to the country for my first horseback riding therapy session, but I didn't realize that! As soon as we got there and I saw the horses I cheered up right away! I wasn't quite sure what we were going to be doing, but I knew it would be fun!

Mommy put my helmet on me (I didn't fuss at all, I am such a good boy). Then my therapist, Robin, introduced me to my horse...Snickers. I was okay with that, but when they tried to put me on his back I got scared!!! So Miss Robin said she would ride behind me and I felt a little more comfortable about that. She sat behind me and held me around the waist. I was still a little upset, but then the horse started walking!!! It was soooo cool! I love it! I held onto the ring in front of me and relaxed and just enjoyed the ride. Everyone was really impressed with how well I did. We went outside cause it was such a nice day and we rode for at least a half hour. I was so happy I didn't even want it to end! After the ride I helped feed Snickers a snack, he is such a nice horsey. I was in such a great mood for the whole rest of the day even though I was tired. I really loved horseback riding and I can't wait to do again next week!!

Mommy says that riding a horse is supposed to help my balance and my trunk stregnth, but I don't care about any of that. I just think it is the funnest thing ever!!!

Getting ready to ride, he knows something fun is about to happen!
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Quinn and his therapist on "Snickers" the horse.
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I think we need to tighten those helmet straps!
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Quinn rode around the ring over and over, he loved it!
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