Thursday, December 07, 2006

We had a busy and exciting day today!

This morning we went over to the Rose's house for a playdate! It was really fun. Their whole basement is a playroom and they had lots of big kid toys that I really liked. They even had this mini piano that I had a great time playing! There was a sofa that they took the cushions off so the kids could jump off it onto the cushions. I really liked that the sofa was so low cause it was easy for me to climb up on and sit there. There are three kids all around my age so it is always tons of fun when we play with them! It is so wierd though, cause the two girls look exactly the same! I wonder how that happened!

Lindalee came over today and she brought me a gait trainer, just like she promised!!! I remembered how to use it right away and I still really like it! They put me in it and I took off running around the living room and dining room. I tried to get in the kitchen but the door wasn't wide enough, I will have to keep working on that. I am not the best driver yet, so I kept bumping into everything. I had so much fun walking around and banging into everything! Mommy says she is going to find a time to take me to the mall with it soon. We have to go when it isn't crowded though, cause I could hurt someone if I am not careful!

Tonight we went to the Infants and Toddlers holiday party. I was really tired but I still had a great time! They had stuff to climb on and play with and Santa was there. I let him hold me for a picture this time, but I did squirm a crying though. It was such a fun day!

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