Friday, December 01, 2006

Today was a long day!!! This morning we drove to Towson and went to see a GI doctor. I really liked his office cause there were lots of kids for me to play with and a really neat fishtank. The doctor didn't do much, he just checked me out and asked Mommy a million questions. He had a student doctor with him and she was really interested in my hands. I guess she has never seen two hands as cute as mine! She must not be a very good student...Hello? I was there about my stomach! She was interested in my special palm crease that I have cause of my Down Syndrome, she must have learned about it in school but never seen one in real life. Good thing Mommy doesn't mind sharing me with people! The doctor said I am probably fine, but I have to go get an Upper GI test done. That doesn't sound like fun!!!

This afternoon we went to speech at Loyola. I only have one more class left and then it is winter break. I am going to miss Jen cause we have so much fun together!!! No worries though, she is gonna be my therapist next semester too! When we got home I was hungry so I crawled over to my highchair and stood next to it. Mommy asked me what I wanted, and I signed "eat"! It worked great, she strapped me in and gave me a bunch of cheeseys to snack on.

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