Thursday, August 03, 2006

Wow, we haven't had internet for two whole days and Mommy has been going nuts! Thankfully it is back up so Mommy can check her email again. And she can update my blog too, what a relief!! I have so much to tell you all!

On Wednesday I had a great day of therapy! My speech teacher came in the morning. She showed me the sheep and told me it said "ba, ba, ba" and I repeated the "ba" sound! Then she showed me the sheep again and told me it said "peep, peep, peep", I just looked at her like she was nuts cause that is what birds say! She was just confused cause her baby had kept her up all night though, it was funny. She showed me two pictures, one of a book and one of bubbles. I really wanted the book so I picked that one. I did it consistently and it was really good cause it proved I understood the picture was of the book and that I knew to choose it!!! She was very impressed and excited by my progress. Sometimes you gotta throw the dog a bone (I learned that on the Wiggles!).

Then my teacher came over and she had this totally awesome mickey mouse toy! When I pushed the button it played music and the screen moved. I really liked it, but the teacher kept making it stop and insisting I sign "more". I hate when she does that, but this time I actually signed it a few times! Everyone was really excited about that!!! She left the toy with Mommy and we have been practicing.

Today was really boring. There were no cousins here and I didn't have any therapy. The only kid to play with was Cooper and Mommy kept saying her "gentle, gentle" annoying!

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