Monday, June 12, 2006

Apparently we are taking it easy this week so that Mommy doesn't have the baby too soon. Fine with me! I just played and played and she watched and watched! I had a great time playing with my new ball today. I would show it to Mommy, then put it on top of my head, hold it there, and laugh and laugh! Mommy didn't seem to get what was so funny...but she laughed with me anyway. My newest thing is that I clap for myself all the time now. When I get a toy I really like, I clap. When I put something where I want it to go, I clap. Sometimes I just clap for no reason at all! I am a very clappy boy lately!

When Daddy got home he got down on the floor and played with me a bunch. That was really fun. We played with my car and cuddled too. I love touching Daddy's face cause it is almost always rough. You know how I like my textures!

Tommorow I get to see Grandma Jan cause she is gonna take me and Mommy to the doctor. I can't wait to see her!!

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