Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The painter guy was here again today! He is almost done the bathroom and tommorow he is going to do Cooper's room and my ceiling. Hopefully I can get a bath again soon, I really want one! Mommy brought home a new bathtub for Cooper and I climbed right in and clapped my hands. I don't know what Coop's problem is, baths are fun!

Grandma Donna came over again tonight, she should just move in, she can sleep in my room! I had a great time with her as usual and we did all sorts of fun stuff while Mommy and Daddy were gone. Tommorow I have OT, but PT cancelled.

I did the cutest thing today! Mommy went downstairs to use the bathroom and she put the remote where I couldn't reach it. So I climbed up onto the big red sofa (which I can't ususally do), and sat right in Mommy's seat. I wanted to watch the Wiggles but I still couldn't reach the remote. The phone was sitting right next to me so I thought I would try that and see if that would work. When Mommy came back upstairs I was sitting on the sofa holding the phone, pointing it at the tv and pushing buttons! It worked too, Mommy thought it was so cute she put the Wiggles on for me and gave me the remote! So I sat on the sofa like a big boy watching the Wiggles and holding the remote :)

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