Tuesday, October 04, 2005

This morning my speech teacher came over. I didn't talk until she left, but I did take a few steps on my hands and knees. Mommy said it looked just like real crawling!

This afternoon I went over to Grandma Jan's house. It was lots of fun! I spit up all over her carpet, but she still loves me. We went for a walk and then to the playground. I swung in the swing but had more fun watching the other kids. Maybe Mommy will take me there sometime soon. For dinner I had a fake chicken nugget, tofu isn't that bad...no matter what Mommy says. Grandma finally figured out how to block me from the VCR, which kinda sucked. But I enjoyed pulling up on the chair she put in front of it. I am now an expert at pulling up to her coffee table...but it is almost not worth it cause she moved all the fun stuff!

Tommorow I have OT, nothing else is going on.

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