Monday, May 22, 2006

My teacher came over today and I really suprised both her and Mommy! She has this piggy bank toy that has a little slot in the top. For the last few visits she has been trying to get me to put these little coins in the slot...but I could never do it. I couldn't figure out that I was supposed to turn them the right way and that was the only way they would fit. Every time I would get really frustrated and push the piggy away. Well, today was totally different. Somehow since last week I completely figured out how it works! With no help at all I got all of the coins in the slot on the first try! Then I was having so much fun I even did it again!! Mommy and Ms. Dorothy were both so proud of me, and I even caught Mommy wiping away a little tear. Ms. Dorothy said she was so happy she might even cry. I am so glad I could make them both so happy, wait till they see what I have planned next!!!

Even though I was extra good for my teacher I had to be a little bad. When Mommy put me down for my nap I figured out how to knock the painting Great Grandma Joan gave me right off the wall!! Mommy said Daddy is gonna have to move it now, cause I can't be trusted. I am such a little devil!!

This afternoon we went to see Mommy's doctor. We had to wait a really long time as usual, but I didn't mind too much cause there were other little kids there and I liked watching them. Plus all the ladies at the office always make such a big deal over me...I love the attention. They love me extra special cause they don't do that with any of the other kids that are always there! Then on the way home I was in a really good mood so I sang along with the radio, it was a good day!

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