Sunday, January 08, 2006

I got the best thing ever today!!! Grandma Donna had gotten me this playwall thingee for Christmas, but Daddy never put it together. Well, he did tonight and that thing is totally awesome!!! Mommy literally had to hold me back while he put it together cause it looked so neat. There are places I can crawl through, stuff I can grab, and handles so I can pull myself up on it! My favorite part is the hanging blow-up ball, that has lots of other stuff inside it. I played with that part for a really long time. Too bad we don't have a bigger house, Mommy says there isn't room in the living room for it right now so I have to use it in my bedroom.

Besides that it was a pretty good day. I watched football with Daddy. I wasn't in the mood to eat much. Mommy had gotten a sweet potatoe with sugar and cinnamon on it by mistake at dinner last night, so she brought it home for me to eat. I don't know why she didn't want it, cinnamon and sugar make it YUMMY! I really tired myself out playing with my new toy so I went to sleep early. Can't wait to wake up tommorow and play some more!

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