Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wow, another day with no therapy and no appointments! I have to admit it is getting a little boring around here with no one coming over to see me. Today Mommy and me worked on asking for bubbles. It didn't go well, why should I ask for more bubbles when Mommy obviously knows I want more bubbles? After all they are my favorite thing in the whole world!!! Mommy also tried to get me to walk again today for the first time in a long time. No way!!! I thought she had figured out I didn't want to walk but she was just faking me out. Well, Mommy, I have a very good memory and no, I still don't want to walk.

Today I wanted to climb up the stairs but Mommy said it wasn't time to go upstairs. When she wouldn't open the gate I got very mad! I was babbling a lot and tried to sound really angry, but she didn't get it. She said if I said "Up, Up, Up" we could go upstairs. If only it were that easy! So instead I went over and played with my ballon, is still floating after all of these days!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey mommy, stop giving my
great grandson a hard time,
he is so cute, spoil him,
you have my permission.
Love you both, G G Berta.