Sunday, September 04, 2005

I went to a birthday party today and it was lots of fun! Grandma Jan came over and got me and took me to her friend's baby's two year old birthday party. I got to play outside with a bunch of other little kids. There were tons of balls there, my favorite type of toy. I even got to eat Ice Cream!! It was great.

After that we went back to Grandma's house and I crawled everywhere and explored everything. Grandma can't say no to me, so I even got to play with the VCR again! I set it up to record something...not sure what! Mommy says I am just like my Daddy cause I am obsessed with electronics.

Did I tell you all that I figured out how to get out of sitting? I just lean forward on my hands, pull my legs around, and viola! I'm on my belly! It works for me, but my PT isn't thrilled with it. Give me a break, I'm an original!

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