Thursday, September 14, 2006

Guess what I did today???? I learned to sign "drink"! Yup, I was really thirsty and Mommy wouldn't give me my cup until I signed drink for her. So I did! Of course it doesn't look anything like the actual sign for "drink", but it is close enough. So if you see my kinda pointing at my mouth, give me a drink!!! And if you see me clapping my hands, it means I want more. I may not know "ASL" (American Sign Language), but I am getting pretty good at "QSL" (Quinn's Sign Language).

More good news, we do get to go to that movement class tommorow! It is in the morning so me and Mommy will go play and then we will all leave for the beach. So I won't be able to update for a while, but Mommy uploaded a bunch of cute pictures and videos of me to tide you over.

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