Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Today was fun! I pulled everything off the bookshelf and emptied all of my toys onto the floor. But, boy did I have a great time doing it! Mommy and me practiced some more with walking with my popper. I think it works just as well if I do it sitting down though. Did you see my video? Mommy recorded me signing "drink". I even asked for it myself a few times. When Mommy went to put me in my highchair for a snack I looked at her and signed "drink" even before she had me strapped in! I just do it to make her happy, I am not really thirsty or anything. It really really makes Mommy happy though, she is so silly.

My speech teacher was supposed to come over today but she cancelled. She is gonna come tommorow instead. And tommorow morning we get to go to a orientation at my Speech Clinic. I hope I get to play in the motor room!

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