Monday, September 25, 2006

My OT came over this morning. Mommy was all excited because she wanted me to show her how I can sign "drink" so well. Guess what? I wouldn't do it! Mommy held up my cup and I just looked at it and signed "more". Mommy said "it figures", what do you suppose she meant by that? Honestly I was just a little confused because I wasn't sitting in my highchair and the OT had brought all these cool toys and I was distracted. She told Mommy she believed her, my OT has been around a long time, she knows me too well! Then at the end of the session I grabbed the toy she brought (I really liked it) and tried to hide it under the sofa. The little doors popped up and it got really stuck. I was really upset when she finally got it out and took it with her.

My teacher came over this afternoon and I was pretty sleepy cause I didn't get a nap. I was still pretty good. I worked on some puzzles and we read some books. We did a lot of practicing for all the tests I am going to be taking in November. She wants me to point to the right picture out of 4 choices. She also wants me to identify at least one body part, she said to start with my nose. Those things seem pretty hard, but I can't actually fail the I am not worried. Mommy told me that if I don't know the answer always choose "C", she said that is how she got through college! Great tip Mom!

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